Activities Week 2018

Saturday 23rd, Sunday 24th and Monday 25th June
The Music Trip to Lake Garda was first out of the blocks leaving MHS on Saturday morning with Mr Place and Mr Burnett et al. The group arrived safely at their beautiful hotel at 3pm (BST) on Sunday. The group were straight into the pool under the balmy Italian sunshine.
View from the hotel - Lake Garda #wishyouwerehere
In the early hours of Sunday morning, Mr Luff and his charges departed from MHS and had arrived safely in Poland by late afternoon. The group wasted no time getting out and about and enjoyed a city-centre walk and an underground museum on Medieval roads and settlements. Monday they will be exploring the underground salt mines.
On Monday the main office car park reprised its annual role of coach station - boys, bags, staff all overseen by Mr Hetherington and the Bursar, ensuring everyone and everything is where it should be. Our residential trips to Snowdonia and Buckinghamshire have departed and the sailing group depart to Dorset at around 11am. Days trips to London and Portmouth are also well on their way.