Book of the Month | December

This Winter by Alice Oseman
A seasonal 'novella' featuring the same characters from the hit Netflix series 'Heartstopper'. Text conversations and frequent cartoon style illustrations break up the text of what is essentially a short story - The Twelve Days of Nick and Charlie.
It's another Christmas for the Spring family. Which means a lot of relatives, a lot of food, a lot of chaos, and a lot of chances for people to say or do the wrong thing. Tori Spring knows her brother Charlie is overwhelmed by it all. She wants to help...but how? Charlie isn't certain he can stay in his own house as things get into full swing. His boyfriend Nick's house is an obvious refuge. But he's also unsure about ruining Nick's Christmas with his own concerns. Sometimes the only path to comfort and joy is through honesty, sharing....and banding together to find warmth in winter.
If you enjoyed the Heartstopper graphic novels, you are sure to enjoy this heartwarming story.