Book of the Month | November

Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales: Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood by Nathan Hale
Hazard Level = Green, that means 'Dire'...Assassation, Bombing, Bayoneting, Cyanide Pills, Flamethrowers, Flooding, Gas Attacks, Guts, Machine Guns, Mud, Barbed Wire, Trench Warfare and Tanks...
World War I gets the Hazardous Tales treatment in this story of warfare, treachery, strategy and more!
Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales is a series of graphic novels that tell thrilling, shocking, gruesome and TRUE stories from the point of view of American history.
Hazardous tales of civil war, revolution and pioneers also available in the library.
Poppies for Remembrance Day available for sale from the main reception or the Hotspot.