Today marks one year since the Grenfell tragedy. In the days after the fire, the Grenfell community came together in a great show of unity, and an enormous amount of support poured in from across the whole of the UK.
The plan is that tomorrow, pupils will attend in normal school uniform, but are encouraged to add an addition of something green. This might be a novelty hat, a green tie replacing the usual school tie, green socks, perhaps a green formal shirt but with normal school tie and normal rest of school uniform, or some other accessory (something ideally unlikely to prove disruptive, or too valuable if lost). In addition, we are asking all pupils to consider making a voluntary donation (the suggested amount is one to two pounds) to bring into school. Any such donations should be handed to your son’s form-tutor, or sent directly to Main Reception. Envelopes should be clearly marked ‘GREEN FOR GRENFELL’.