Come Try With Us

Come and try boarding free of charge - Book Now!
We are looking to run some ‘Come Try With Us’ More House Boarding nights
on a free-of-charge basis over the next half term, and in the weeks following
Easter. These are aimed at any Year 7, 8 or 9 day boy who has perhaps wondered
about what goes on in boarding and whether or not it might be an option for
him in the future. Those of us who work in boarding and the boys themselves
know too well of the many benefits it can offer them as part of their school life
here at More House and we would like to spread the message even further.
The proposed dates of these nights are:
Wednesday 20th March
Tuesday 7th May
Wednesday 15th May
Every guest will join the other boarders in their age group to follow a typical
evening of activities, evening meal, social time and, of course, getting to sleep
the night in one of our 2-man or 3-man rooms. They will also experience the
ease of waking up at school, being provided with breakfast and not having to
travel into school on that morning; a welcome blessing for you as parents and
for them as well.
Each night will have up to five spaces for boys to try out and these will be
offered on a first come, first served basis at a limit of one per pupil. Additional
details and information will be provided once your child has been booked in.
If you are interested in booking your son in for one of these nights, please
contact me in boarding: or on the boarding
mobile phone which is: 07900-698783 (5pm onwards) on any weekday.
I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Yours sincerely,
Fred Pennell, Head of Boarding