March 2019 Ofsted: OUTSTANDING - all categories.
Overall Effectiveness OUTSTANDING.
We are thrilled to be able to publish the integrated report of our most recent, double Ofsted inspection, March 2019.
The hard work, commitment and dedication of our teaching, therapeutic, boarding and support staff, and the powerful and transformative education model we offer, are celebrated within this report.
Effectiveness of leadership and management |
Outstanding |
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment |
Outstanding |
Personal development, behaviour and welfare |
Outstanding |
Outcomes for pupils |
Outstanding |
Sixth form provision |
Outstanding |
Overall experiences and progress of children and young people in the boarding provision |
Outstanding |
More House is an Outstanding school because:
Exceptional leadership has made sure that meeting pupils’ needs is at the heart of everyone’s work at the school.
Staff share leaders’ high expectations for this school. Staff are highly skilled and receive excellent support and training to meet pupils’ needs.
Because of a first-rate therapeutic approach, together with outstanding teaching, pupils make outstanding progress in English and mathematics and across the curriculum.
The curriculum is extremely rich and inspires pupils to learn. Pupils value highly the extensive range of extra-curricular activities.
The sixth-form provision is outstanding. Students make exceptional progress and are prepared well for their next steps.
The school meets the national minimum standards for residential special schools. Boarding provision makes a significant contribution to the outstanding quality of the school.
Pupils are looked after very well. They feel safe and supported.
Pupils’ behaviour is impeccable.
Governors are very knowledgeable and skilled. They provide strong support and challenge to school leaders.
Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school and how it has transformed their children’s lives.