Jumping Jack

Starjumps for National Autistic Society
Year 8 student Jack has helped raise £170 for the National Autistic Society. They had started a campaign to fundraise by asking people to walk, run, swim or cycle 7K in support of the 700,00 autistic people in the UK. Due to the current restrictions, it was adapted to suit activities that can be done at home.
Jack was struggling to complete the 30 star jumps that were part of his core OT exercises. He decided to make his challenge 70 star jumps over 7 days. At the start he found it hard to do complete a lot in one go, and struggled to raise his arms above waist level. With a lot of help from his twin sister, he managed the 70 each day and by day 7 was able to clap his hand above his head with each jump. We were very proud of him.
Some words from Jack:
I decided to do a fundraiser for the National Autistic Society because they have helped me over the last 10 years. I am very grateful for it. I wanted to do something to say thank you. The challenge was difficult as first but as it went on I felt I got better and better. It's a good part of a fundraiser to see yourself get better, not just physically but as a person.