Fundraising for the Faasens

Bryony's Army ready for the mudder!
MHS All Stars limbering up ahead of their challenge.
Friends and colleagues of the Faasen family are raising money to help support the family in their battle to fight Childhood Leukemia. Sadly their daughter, Bryony was diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in November 2017 and after spending significant time in hospital undergoing treatment the family were happy to discover the cancer was in remission.
Sadly the cancer has returned. Bryony is now back in hospital fighting this awful illness and friends and family are once again rallying together to try and raise some funds to try and relieve part of the financial burden facing the family.
Thank you all for the incredible generosity already shown, which has taken the fundraising target to nearly £7000 - they are still a little off their £10,000 target.
Your All Star Mudders will be Tweeting, Instagramming and Facebooking throughout the event
They will need all your encouragement to get across, over, under and ultimately through the ten mile, twenty obstacle event!
Your tough team ten are:
Scott (El Capitano) Bradshaw
Hannah (will to win) Willmott
Alyson (can-do it) Canton
Ellen (victory in sight) Voice
Debbie (tough toes) Tully
Julia (just do it) Collington
Charles (champion) Stewart
Shaun (of the mudder) Cogbil
Hannah (hardcore) Stiff
Sarah ( scaredy cat) Secker-Barker