MHS make and donate to NHS

Further donations to NHS
On Tuesday 14th April, Mr Stewart and Mr McCann, using leftover A4 Acetate clear and Polypropylene, designed, constructed and distributed 35 visors for NHS staff at the Royal Surrey Hospital. They also donated goggles and disposable gloves.
Receiving the items was Alf Turner, unknown to the school when contact was first made, but a former MHS parent who heads up Healthcare Partners Ltd, a company which works closely with hospitals providing procurement services. He was able to deliver our donation directly to those who need it. He stressed the importance of all PPE items for frontline staff, and that donations of this kind are much appreciated by staff working at the sharp end.
Mr Stewart has uploaded a short video to our Instagram page explaining their efforts and that he and Mr McCann are happy to keep producing visors if they are able to procure more materials. If you feel you may be able to support these efforts, please do get in touch here.
More House, along with many other schools nationwide, is proud to be part of the vast national effort to support the NHS and other frontline workers with PPE equipment and also smaller elements such as braces and elastic, which Mr and Mrs Rashleigh had the pleasure of donating, from the wardrobe department of the school's Simkins Centre for the Performing Arts, to the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice in Farnham, which will be used on protective gowns worn by the PT staff.
We also know that MHS staff and families are working hard at home, Mrs McGuire is making scrubs washing bags and Mrs White is making face masks for carers local to her. Share your stories with us here, we can upload your short films, pictures and stories that give our community so much pride.
Goggles and masks go to local hospital to be distributed
Earlier this week, More House School's quick thinking Head and Deputy Head of Science, Mrs Pickett and Mrs Newman had the brainwave of donating the department's stock of re-usable goggles and face masks to NHS workers.
Donating over 100 googles and masks whilst the school is closed to all but the students of key workers, Mrs Pickett said "donating items to the NHS is the right thing to do in such challenging circumstances, when every member of society has a role to play in supporting this situation, I am pleased More House could do a little something"
More House join many schools and businesses across the country donating whatever spare items of PPE they have to the NHS.