World Book Day | Book Tokens

They've gone virtual!....
Click here to find out more about this year's World Book Day books...
Click here (years 4-6) or here (years 7 up) to download your World Book Day Book Token.
The £1 book token can be exchanged for one of the exclusive, new £1 books OR for getting £1 off any book or audiobook costing £2.99 or more in participating bookshops and supermarkets.
The book token is valid from Thursday 18 February – Sunday 28 March 2021. Participating booksellers will honour the tokens beyond the 28 March while stocks last. Please contact your local bookseller to check if they are able to offer £1 off other titles.
The book token can ONLY be used in participating bookshops (find your nearest at
The book token can be printed out and taken to your local bookseller. Some booksellers will accept the voucher on a phone or tablet screen. Please check before you visit.
The digital £1 book token cannot be redeemed online.
The digital £1 book token is intended for SINGLE-USE ONLY.