Thank you from Aplastic Anaemia Trust

Heartfelt thanks received from charity, on 'truly amazing' whole school community's 'stunning effort'.
Bringing failed bone marrow back to life.
Dear Mark,
When you invited me to the More School musical extravaganza back in February 2019, I didn't really know what to expect. I was hoping to meet Henry's family and offer my support, say hi to yourself and your colleagues as well as thank you for all you were doing to raise awareness of aplastic anaemia and funds for Anthony Nolan and our charity, in the local community. And of course - I hoped to have a lovely time (which I certainly did)!
When I met you, I was struck by the sheer positive force of your enthusiasm, your dedication to bringing out the best in students (and not just their musical talents!), your wonderful support to Henry and his family throughout their ordeal and focus on energising everyone behind the fundraising activity.
What you, your colleagues and friends managed to achieve over 6 months, in raising nearly £19,000 just for our charity, is truly astonishing! It's been down to your creativity, passion, good humour, energy and probably lots of Weetabix for breakfast.
The amount of good-will shown by everyone who gave their time and money is heart-warming and impressive. Thank you all whole-heartedly.
As you will now know, aplastic anaemia is an extremely hard-hitting rare disease. With the treatment resembling closely that of cancer patients, people go through a lengthy, complex, painful and unpredictable journey towards recovery- hampered by lots of setbacks and uncertainty. Thankfully, Henry is making a steady recovery and we can all hope his blood cell counts continue to improve and maintain a good level, enabling him to lead a fun, full and fulfilling life that any young man should.
The funds you've so generously raised for our cause and charity are absolutely crucial for us to continue our commitment to research into aplastic anaemia. We're currently progressing two research projects:
1. Working with the King's College team in London over 2 years we're beginning to identify additional genetic mutations in patients with AA that may lead to aggressive malignancies in later life. This is crucial for early detection of these genes, so that curative treatment through stem cell transplants can be offered early as a preventative measure;
2. Working with the paediatric haematology team at Great Ormond Street Hospital over 3 years, we're developing a data and tissue bank of children being diagnosed with aplastic anaemia and allied rare bone marrow failures across England, so that we have a much better understanding of disease prevalence, treatment options and outcomes, to enable faster diagnosis and planning of future NHS services.
Thanks to all your stunning effort, we can continue to fund these areas.
I am hugely grateful to you Mark, and everyone who pulled their weight and supported you, for all you have achieved. You're all truly amazing!
Yours sincerely
Grazina Berry
Chief Executive Officer