Ofsted - Boarding December 2024
More House School continues to justify the highest possible grading, in each element of the inspection:
Overall experiences and progress of children and young people – Outstanding
How well children and young people are helped and protected - Outstanding
The effectiveness of leaders and managers - Outstanding
On 10th-12th December 2024, inspectors from Ofsted visited More House for a full inspection of our provision for boarders. The two experienced inspectors, from Ofsted’s Social Care department, inspected the residential arrangements for boarders in the school, as well as examining health & safety, safeguarding, staffing and facilities across the whole school.
In terms of the single word judgements, still used by Ofsted during the current academic year and by Ofsted’s Social Care teams, the inspection report confirms that More House School continues to justify the highest possible grading, in each element of the inspection.
Click to read some: Highlights from the 2024 Boarding & Welfare inspection report